Daniel “Dee-Kej” Kihlgren Kallander

Game Designer, VR enthusiast, Anime nerd, and more.

Born and raised and living in Stockholm, Sweden.

Currently on the lookout for what’s next for me professionally.

In my spare time I help friends with some minor personal development projects, regularly organize anime watchalongs with 15+ friends, cook meals in the small 4-person collective I live in, and generally try to enjoy life as much as I can.

I also co-started and used to organize some dozen Stockholm VR Meetup events in 2014-2019, but the pandemic put that on hold indefinitely for multiple reasons.

Get in touch!

Want to ask me something about anything on this site? Hit me up with an email, or get in touch through the following ways:

(phone number granted upon email request)

For work-related inquiries: LinkedIn